Clinician’s Guide to Pathways for Interventions within the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Commissioning for Outcomes Policy

Lead: James Marshall, Commissioning Manager - Elective Care, SY ICB

Date published: October 2023

Date to review: November 2024

The South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw (SY&B) Commissioning for Outcomes Policy (CFO) was launched in Sheffield in October 2018 and updated in 2021 to incorporate the EBI phase 2 interventions. The aim of the policy was to ensure consistent referral guidance across the SY&B area based on a review of national evidence.

The structured referral templates/ threshold forms have been updated to be completed during consultations and we would recommend clinicians to use. 

In addition to incorporating the EBI guidance, SY&B commissioners have reviewed, and where appropriate refreshed, the aspects of the policy not covered by the EBI guidance. This includes local evidence based interventions and fully incorporating the specialists plastics policies into the CFO policy.

No Longer Routinely Commssioned

Pathway - If the clinician feels that a case is exceptional they should send a referral letter to the IFR team via the secure email address below:

Commissioned According to the Commissioning for Outcomes Policy Criteria

Pathway (Patient meets criteria) - Complete the appropriate checklist and submit with referral via eRS Prior approval via IFR is not required.

Pathway (Patient does not meet criteria) - If there is evidence of exceptionality  provide this in a referral letter , complete the checklist and send to the IFR team via the secure email address below:

Tonsillectomy for both adults and children - Send referral letter and completed checklist to the IFR team for prior approval via the secure email address below. IFR approval confirmation must be submitted with the referral via eRS:

Interventions to which the National EBI Policy Phase 1 and Phase 2 apply

Pathways - For further details see the CDO policy document.

*Subject to both CFO and EBI policy