Hearing Aids


Author: Dr Charles Heatley

Published Date: December 2015

Date to Review: July 2022

If you are considering referring patients for a hearing aid, it's a great idea if you can give the patient either a link to or printout of the link below which describes the process that will take place when they are assessed at the audiology clinic for a hearing aid.

We have agreed that under certain circumstances patients are able to receive bilateral hearing aids at the outset. This includes patients with profound deafness, blindness, and in relation to armed service duties. We have also agreed that for other patients only a single hearing aid will be fitted but that when the patient is reviewed by the audiologists, should the patient be considered likely to benefit substantially from a second hearing aid, this can be supplied at their discretion.

Please ensure that prior to referring patients for a hearing aid:

  • The ears have been examined to exclude substantial wax

  • Significant ear pathology has been excluded that warrants ENT assessment

  • The patient is made aware that in most cases they will be supplied with a single hearing aid in the first instance

