Healthy Eating For Diabetes and Weight

Author:  Carla Gianfrancesco - STH

Published Date:  July 2023 (amended)

Date to Review:  June 2025 (soonest)

Document Description:

Patient leaflets and information for Healthy eating for Diabetes and weight including healthy eating advice, meal ideas, tips for losing weight and tips for being more active. 

Healthy eating recommendations for Type 2 Diabetes - Resource Room Information for People Living with Diabetes Dec 22.pdf 

Healthy eating for diabetes (6 simple steps) -

Low carbohydrate diet:  An introduction for people with diabetes -

Low Carb Snacks - Information for Patients Sheffield Dietetics -

Carb Snacks - Information for patients Sheffield Dietetics

Information for patients Sheffield Dietetics

There are a number of services available through the weight management enhanced service which practices can receive incentives for referrals for through the NHS England » Enhanced service specification: weight management programme 2022/23

This document aims to support practices awareness of all eligible services both locally and nationally. 

For additional resources please click on this link