Non-Opiates Service

Author: Dr Olawale Lagundoye, Clinical Director, Substance Misuse Services, Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS FT

Published Date: January 2022

Date to Review: March 2023

Guidance Description: Non-opiates is a term used to describe all drugs other than opiates like heroin or codeine. This includes cannabis, cocaine and crack cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA, ketamine, amphetamines, steroids and novel psychoactive substances such as Spice.

If the use of non-opiate drugs is affecting your life of the lives of those around you, it may be time to ask for some help. We offer free support to anyone using non-opiate drugs who is over the age of 18 and lives in Sheffield. We can give you information, advice, support and treatment to help you address your substance use and begin your recovery journey. We can also provide advice and support if you are concerned about someone else’s substance misuse.